"The Mayans had it right! Check your calendars," saith Jehovah.
"The Mayans had it right! Check your calendars," saith Jehovah.
one of the big sayings for those that run websites is that "content is king" it makes perfect sense, as sites like this one have entertaining content for the targeted audience.
even better, more content is added everyday bringing users back repeatedly.
poptular tv shows and movies are loved because they entertain customers for a low cost or free.. on the other hand, you have the content provided by the watchtower bible and tract society, delivered though the pages of the watchtower and through weekly meetings.
As a kid, I can remember how my butt would go to sleep sitting on those metal and wood fold-down theater seats the KH had salvaged somewhere. In the summer, it would get so hot, especially in the early evening (Riverside, CA could get up to 105-110F in the summer) and we'd all be sitting there sweating and fanning and panting and squirming as we waited for the moment that we would be dismissed so that we could get outside and into the fresh air.
I was too young to realize how good we had it in those days. We had a couple of brothers that could prepare and give Sunday public talk that were actually very interesting and kept your attention. But most were just given in a monotone-read-from-a-script-I-wrote-last-night-at-the-last-minute-after-Palladin-and-Joe-Friday-were-over-on-the-TV.
The best ever was when a brother from another congregation gave a talk that was entitled something like "Why does mankind face death?" (about Adam's sin and Ransom), but got up and started talking about 1914, the world wars, and Armageddon. At first, no one noticed and just went along with the talk. After 15-minutes or so, the Congregation Servant got up and walked up on stage and whispered something in the brother's ear. After a few seconds of page flipping and nervous coughing, the CongServ made an announcement that the speaker had brought the outline for another talk about Armageddon and the New Earth. So at that point, the CongServ said that the handbills for the talk "were printed in error." So the brother picked up where he left off and finished his talk.
I doubt that anyone would even notice anymore -since most "public" talks cover the same 5 or 6 subjects almost verbatim from prepared outlines. They sure aren't the recruitment tools they were originally designed to be.
one of the big sayings for those that run websites is that "content is king" it makes perfect sense, as sites like this one have entertaining content for the targeted audience.
even better, more content is added everyday bringing users back repeatedly.
poptular tv shows and movies are loved because they entertain customers for a low cost or free.. on the other hand, you have the content provided by the watchtower bible and tract society, delivered though the pages of the watchtower and through weekly meetings.
LostGeneration - you have a PM!
will prince and ballerina live happily ever after?by c.j., star tribune.
last update: february 19, 2011 - 11:14 pm.
0diggsdiggmore from c.j.prince has a new love interest, a ballerina, who is being described as "his first sister since sheila e"bymediatakeout.comif misty copeland, of american ballet theatre fame, is really prince's new lady, the first thing that i noticed is that she's a baby.
I suggest you float over to YouTube and check out the Kevin Smith videos where he talks about his encounter with Prince. Total crackup!
You'll learn more about Prince than you'll ever want to know...
does anyone have scans of certain golden age magazines?
specifically, i'm looking for the following articles:.
"the ehret system of elimination", golden age, march 20, 1929, p.
I have a CD that has all of the pubs from 1920 to 1942. I'm not sure if the '29 Consolation you want is on there, but I'll look if you don't find it anywhere else. At the moment it is in my attic and inaccessible due to construction work going on in my house. Give me a week or two and if you don't find it, send me a PM and I'll try to retrieve it for you.
i was 12 years old in 1975. for years before then, i believed that i was a bad child and would not live to see my 13th birthday.
i remember that starting around january 1976, i didn't believe a word anyone said, especially an adult, my parents, much less the elders.
i do not remember much of my teen years.
MrFreeze is exactly right. At every meeting - at every assembly - at every convention - it was always "1975 will be a most significant year in human history..."
The only thing they weren't sure about was the actual month and day that Armageddon would come that year. Fred Franz was actively supporting, and on more than one occasion, suggested October. For some reason, October seems to be the charmed month in JW mythology (October, 1914, etc.) I think it has something to do with the Jewish calendar.
One issue that has been mentioned before, but is mostly ignored, is that Jewish years were 360 days long (they were lunar years). But JWs (and most apocalyptic religions) are totally comfortable using the current 365.25 day year as a replacement. So is "70 weeks of years" 360 or 365.25 days long? The Watchtower's leaders have just ignored that question and pretend it has no import.
the obama administration on friday (2/18/2011) eliminated key provisions of a george w. bush-era rule that allowed health workers to opt out of medical services they find objectionable on religious or personal grounds.
the rule was widely interpreted as allowing workers to refuse to participate in a range of services, including providing the emergency contraceptive plan b and treating gays and lesbians.
the new rule leaves intact previously established "conscience protections" for workers who do not want to perform abortions or sterilizations.
The Obama administration on Friday (2/18/2011) eliminated key provisions of a George W. Bush-era rule that allowed health workers to opt out of medical services they find objectionable on religious or personal grounds. The rule was widely interpreted as allowing workers to refuse to participate in a range of services, including providing the emergency contraceptive Plan B and treating gays and lesbians.
The new rule leaves intact previously established "conscience protections" for workers who do not want to perform abortions or sterilizations. It also retains the Bush rule's formal process for allowing workers whose rights are violated to file complaints.
I wonder how this will apply to JWs who are nurses and doctors and have to participate in operations where blood transfusions are necessary.
mark 9:.
38 teacher, said john, we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.. 39 do not stop him, jesus said.
for no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,40for whoever is not against us is for us.41 truly i tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the messiah will certainly not lose their reward.. .
If I was a Bible-thumping preacher I'd use one verse this week and preach hellfire and brimstone...
And then next week - I'd use the other verse and preach hellfire and brimstone...
But remember - God is Love!
yesterday evening a letter of the dutch (netherlands) branch of the watchtower society was read to the congregation.
it stated that the governing body has made a new arrangement for circuit overseers worldwide: the society provides a lease car.
it was backed with some bible texts (...) and the conclusion was that it was financial cheaper for the congregations.
OK. So for the most part in the USA they been leasing Buick sedans. Cars aren't bad, but they certainly aren't the best choice among cars. They rate toward the bottom in Consumer Reports used car guides. Is this a "buy American" (or should we say "buy Canadian") policy on the part of the WTS?
Yes the website is still up - and just like the Watchtower's official sites, it offers very little beyond the most basic of information. "Here's our 15 cars, all Buicks with 80K + miles on them. Out of date styling, old-GM technology, 18 mpg, listed for Kelly Blue Book average pricing." What more would you want?
yesterday evening a letter of the dutch (netherlands) branch of the watchtower society was read to the congregation.
it stated that the governing body has made a new arrangement for circuit overseers worldwide: the society provides a lease car.
it was backed with some bible texts (...) and the conclusion was that it was financial cheaper for the congregations.
My brother has leased a new Lexus SUV and a new Mercedes sedan (2-year lease) for less than $900 (USD) per month for both. Insurance about $150 a month for both. This is through a commercial leasing company. If the Watchtower is leasing that many cars and is handling the payments, then they would most likely get fleet rates on the cars and most service would be done under warranty. The Watchtower can buy a group/corporate/blanket liability insurance policy and then be self-insured for collision and comprehensive (far cheaper for corporations than buying commercial insurance). My guess is that it would cost them in the USA less than $50 per car per month for insurance.
If they are charging congregations $7.50 (USD) per publisher per year X 85 publishers ($637.50) X 20 KHs = $12,750 (USD)--- then....
Car lease for upscale sedan with all bells and whistles (commercial rate): $600 per month = $7200. Commercial liability insurance: $50 per month = $600.
Gasoline, basic non-warranty maintenance, parking fees and tolls @ $150 per month = $1800. "Top of the line lease" plus all expenses per annum = $9600.
Net profit to WTS per Circuit = $3350 per year. Allow $350 per circuit for losses due to theft, collision damages, etc. $3000 net profit per annum.
That would be very much on the high side. With my crappy credit I can lease a new Toyota Camry for less than $350 a month. Have you seen the new Camry's or Honda Accords or Hyundai Sonata's? They are very, very nice and very roomy. A fleet rate would be probably half of the individual retail rate.
So - does anyone know what kinds of cars the COs are actually driving? Are they driving Mercedes or Lexi? Or are they driving Chevy Malibu/Impala or Chrysler 300s or Ford sedans? Please advise.
I think the WT Society is using car leasing as just another money-making proposition.
"Badges? We don't have badges. I don' have to show you no stinkin' badges!" Just pay up, brothers!!!